Monday, November 21, 2011

"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money."
~Cree Indian Proverb

Everything we do in life is for the sake of earning money. Logging, fishing and manufacturing are just some of them. However, we never seem to realise that all we are doing, is in fact harming the environment. We are oblivious to the fact that we are only rendering  the Earth inhabitable for our future generations. While I'm still at it, here's another:

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The next best time is now. 
~Chinese Proverb

No FEM lecture so slept in. Mundane day at school but we proceeded to Bugis to celebrate Mark's birthday at korean BBQ. The food was only okay-okay but the company was what matters. We finally had a gathering of sorts after so long, which made the day all the more memorable.

Gay I know.

Woke up at 9am to select elective at 10am. Crazy school, make us wake up early to choose elective but stay up late to select destination for educational trip. Just don't want us to get enough sleep only.

Met dan at tampines for lunch before heading to work looking identical with uniqlo navy blue crew neck tee, dark denim jeans and chuck taylor black shoes. Shall describe work some other day.

Run For Hope was rather disastrous in my opinion. Firstly, making us gather at 6am when we are only needed at 8am is not a really good idea. As a result, I was feeling groggy and ill-tempered the entire day throughout. In addition, I failed to gather any relevant information for my fem project as we were restricted owing to our duties. Should have participated as a spectator instead.

TPRawks was also so-so. Had to rush off around 12 for crspa consultation. And I attended both lectures. Guess what? I actually have LOA for the whole of today. When did I become so obedient and well-behaved? #thickskinned

Hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Today is the longest you have ever lived, so cherish tomorrow.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

严爵 - 好的事情


好的事情 最后虽然结束

感动十分 就有十分满足

谢谢你 是你陪我走过那些路

痛 是以后无法再给你幸福

Have been posting many lyrics because I simply find them rather meaningful. (No particular reason whatsoever. okay maybe a little) Shall not dwell on the past so I shall post about today! The day of culinary science practical test. I know it's just 5%, but it had been a burden ever since yesterday. Everything went rather well, but I felt it could have been better. Especially losing 2 marks at the end for one drop of water in the "Happy Family" and the red pails not parked ON THE KERB. As in seriously?

Nothing else to write already so might as well write about the past. Went for orientation at ANF yesterday. Boring like lecture like that. But the thing is, we got paid for that 2+ hours just by sitting there. How cool is it! And we received our associate card already! Which entitles us to a 30% discount off their items. And since this store is a flagship store, which means there will be no sales throughout the year, which makes the discount all the more attractive. And, we will receive their clothes as our optional uniforms, with new "looks" changing 4-6 times per year. This means we get new "uniforms" rather frequently!

After the orientation, we headed to Taka(takashimaya, not the taka which zhiqi always includes in her texts) for fried omelette noodles. The last time I ate that could be eons ago. And then, we went to shop for plain navy t-shirts as uniforms. Still need black Chuck Taylors for the uniform.

No FEM lecture tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep late although I told myself to sleep right after culi. Always contradicting myself, tsk! Probably going to shop for the shoes before meeting 02 I think.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Watched 【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】 yesterday. It was such a sweet movie. Finding it sweet because of the things the girl does for the guy but he does not understand. Can especially imagine the part where they were doing the sky lantern, when he didn't want to know her answer for fear of rejection.

那些年错过的大雨 那些年错过的爱情 

好想拥抱你 拥抱错过的勇气

曾经想征服全世界 到最后回首才发现


那些年错过的大雨 那些年错过的爱情

好想告诉你 告诉你我没有忘记

那天晚上满天星星 平行时空下的约定



“对啦, 我就是幼稚,才会追你这种努力用功读书的生!”

”我就是幼稚, 才有办法追你那么久!“

Saturday, November 12, 2011

FEM lecture was boring as expected. However, I felt very sad for the lecturers whenever they ask questions or make statements, even jokes and receive a cold, stunned silence. It's like in korean variety when someone makes a stupid joke or statement and the editing team puts in an imaginary crow flying past, meaning that the audience are speechless. I know how that feels sometimes in presentations when you say something and everyone just stares at you like you are some weird alien or something. When the Adval Brand people started to give their presentation, some irritating person had to create a creaking sound with the lecture seats which was so freaking annoying!

ThinkFEM was bad? Try CRSpa. Ms Mariah went on like a person deprived of speech for a thousand years. Her throat just went clockwork like a machine. Her voice was lulling us all to sleep, plus it was almost lunchtime and we were all getting restless.

Went MAAD yesterday with 08. The place was intriguing but I saw nothing worth buying. We saw many HTM-ers swarming the place due to our FEM project. The event organiser should really thank us for livening up the place.

Sadly, sherri lost her phone. Our efforts to call, find and retrace our steps were fruitless. Went to JusAcia marina for dinner and played with snowpeas. We went our separate ways after.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

As expected, I have not been keeping up to my exercise schedule. That's just so typical. Must work on my self-discipline. 想当年, I had 3 tuition classes, plus swimming, soccer and taekwondo training crammed into one compact week. Wondered how I coped then.

Finally back from culinary today. Today was fun, cooking main course. Everything looks easy to prepare at the academy, but it's rather difficult to recreate those dishes at home. Take my onion soup for example, when I burnt the pot at home. But the taste of the soup is unmistakably mystical. Words from the honorary director of the Epic IQ Club. Hehehe^^

Tomorrow go MAAD at Red Dot Museum. Stands for some Market for Artists and Designers probably. Last visited the museum in Secondary 3 I think. Last day of the  week tomorrow. Don't you feel that the weeks are passing so fast?

Truthfully speaking, I really miss 1H08. Okay too sad to continue already.

Monday, November 7, 2011

And so I have drawn up a weekly exercise regime for myself. I set a target to at least follow through with it for at least one month to see if there's any results. Here it is:

Mondays- Rest( monday blues anyway, so rest is the best)
Tuesdays- Home gym
Wednesdays-Badminton probably?
Thursdays- Running
Fridays- Rest after a long week at school
Saturdays- Basketball
Sundays- Gym+Swimming

Have been told that I have a swimmer's body, so I shall try to maintain that by bringing swimming back into my life. I may become even darker than I already am, but I don't care anymore. Anyway, enlistment is not that far away.

Spent a long time talking to mum and dad over at the alfresco stage area at Changi City Point yesterday about my future career plans. Could feel that they would support me no matter what path I chose in future. I couldn't have wished for better parents because they can be said to be perfect. The sacrifices they made for me, I will never be able to repay them.

This long weekend, I entered a phase of deep thinking. And I think I know the answers now.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Met sherri after school and walked around tampines. Waited for daniel to reach and we had Popeyes(again). Then we caught "Tower Heist" while sherri went home. Third movie I caught this week. Bought a shirt from Cotton On. I think I need more clothes although my wardrobe is already bursting.

Obsessed with this type of shirt recently.

Went over to Bishan to meet sherri because I was too bored at home. She went to pluck her eyebrows although I see little or no difference in reality. Caught "Sector 7" starring Ha Ji Won!(4th movie this week) Explains why I'm so broke this week. Met daniel, jinlin, jeremy, yiinshin at orchard mrt before going over to ngee ann city to fill in forms for abercrombie. Can't wait for work to start! Steph, weiling and zhiqi joined us and we went to walk around takashimaya before heading over to Xin Wang for dinner. Had pork chop again but at least this time it did not disappoint. Went shopping around with daniel but sadly, I did not get anything. Bussed on 518 home.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Popeyes at century and watched 23:59 with daniel, sherri, zhiqi and chingyi. I found it rather sketchy and the plot was not utilised well, even with a rather ingenious germ of a concept. I wouldn't label it as horror, as it was more monotone than anything else.

Printed culinary science notes and it is really thick.What infuriated me was that we were cheated during binding. Joan and I had ours bound for $3.60 each, while yiinshin had hers done at only a dollar on wednesday. Unfair!:( Met mingfong, lammy, wesley, benny, renhao and tiap with yiinshin at tampines mall Pizza Hut. The bill came up to a whopping $25 each, which explains the thinness of my wallet when it's only tuesday. Caught "In Time" with them without the girls. Awesome storyline that requires critical analysis on the topic. Something like Robin Hood but more high-tech.

Happy birthday Tess! Deeply sorry for such a poor celebration, but hoped you were a teeny weeny bit touched at least. Lunched at mensa before earning 3 bowls of rice for the needy at "Walk for Rice". Went over to Snip Avenue to have my haircut for culinary science. Gosh, the sacrifices we make better be worthwhile! The haircut was an astonishing $2.20, down from its usual $3.80. I have no idea how they profit though.

Got approached by Prudential agent at Pasir Ris interchange and received a call from them again in the afternoon. Leave me alone won't you?