Thursday, November 17, 2011

严爵 - 好的事情


好的事情 最后虽然结束

感动十分 就有十分满足

谢谢你 是你陪我走过那些路

痛 是以后无法再给你幸福

Have been posting many lyrics because I simply find them rather meaningful. (No particular reason whatsoever. okay maybe a little) Shall not dwell on the past so I shall post about today! The day of culinary science practical test. I know it's just 5%, but it had been a burden ever since yesterday. Everything went rather well, but I felt it could have been better. Especially losing 2 marks at the end for one drop of water in the "Happy Family" and the red pails not parked ON THE KERB. As in seriously?

Nothing else to write already so might as well write about the past. Went for orientation at ANF yesterday. Boring like lecture like that. But the thing is, we got paid for that 2+ hours just by sitting there. How cool is it! And we received our associate card already! Which entitles us to a 30% discount off their items. And since this store is a flagship store, which means there will be no sales throughout the year, which makes the discount all the more attractive. And, we will receive their clothes as our optional uniforms, with new "looks" changing 4-6 times per year. This means we get new "uniforms" rather frequently!

After the orientation, we headed to Taka(takashimaya, not the taka which zhiqi always includes in her texts) for fried omelette noodles. The last time I ate that could be eons ago. And then, we went to shop for plain navy t-shirts as uniforms. Still need black Chuck Taylors for the uniform.

No FEM lecture tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep late although I told myself to sleep right after culi. Always contradicting myself, tsk! Probably going to shop for the shoes before meeting 02 I think.

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