Sunday, May 29, 2011

"I am not smart, handsome, rich or anything like that."

I have always wanted to write a post like this, explaining my inadequacy in life. It would do so much for myself to know my shortcomings and work on them. However, I realized that the only outcome would be an increased inferior complex. Furthermore, what will others think?

They will either:
1. read and ignore, which I think most will do, or
2. read and pretend to care

That's how fake this whole world is. I am not saying that the friends I have are fake. They are more than I could ever wish for. So, the best solution is to "Keep Moving Forward", as quoted from the movie "Meet The Robinsons". There's no point dwelling on the negativity people perceive you for, all that's left to do is to change that mindset.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can't believe I actually almost teared when watching this.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Officially 17 days more to our Australia trip. Totally excited! Have to remind myself to make payment by this week. I can't wait to get on that plane with my beloved classmates and "cohabit" together overseas for the first time in my life. And what's more, we are going with our favourite tutors Mr Chew Kian Beng and Ms Helwina! I can think of the fun things we will do, the crazy stuff we will laugh about and the beautiful memories we will create, that will last forever.

Okay so I have finished SSM Operation Day 1 at Top Table yesterday. Feels like a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. Okay lah some of you think runner so easy job, just keep calling people over to collect food only. But you all must know leh, one mistake only and everything gets very very confusing. You will forget which table is having what, and when to fire, or which table is under which side station etc. I was so nervous that I would screw things up that my stomach hurt like hell from morning till I got home at 11pm. Totally feels like secondary school, when I had that nervousness all bottled up that explodes inside me every Monday.

Today I was enlightened on the true meaning of "Never judge a book by its cover". Mr Goh seems like a juggernaut, with all the attributes of a monster during SSM. However, see him after hours and he is just like your normal man walking on the streets, totally un-fearsome and he is so not that inhumane that we make him out to be.

Call me slow all you like, but I was believing all along that Cup Walker was very expensive, until today. Zhiqi and Chingyi were drinking it and when I looked at the menu, it was not that dear afterall. And Chingyi lied to me, saying that she could memorise the entire menu, even having just worked there for one day.

Please let it be cloudy and have the "want to rain but never rain" weather tomorrow.

That dreadful feeling when that person does not seem to care.
I may seem strong but I am not.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Greetings earthlings. Just remembered that I wanted to watch the movie Paul. He's an alien I think. Well, okay this is the first blog post I am doing while abroad. Okay I know I say until like I go overseas go until very far, but actually I only go KL. Weird how so many people also went overseas this weekend, including Darren and Jeremy, who left much earlier.

Yesterday was CCN Day for 2H02 and DPAIG. Okay I shall start on 2H02 first. We sold fries and nuggets. Our total profits minus cost was about $26.60. Not bad considering how amateur we were as entrepreneurs. The real reason why we sold so little was because we had little stock and high costs. Too much POA here. I admit I did not do much for DPAIG's haunted house project but I helped to clean up after that. Still, I 没有功劳也有苦劳 right?

Woke up at 6am to come to KL today. Staying at Swiss Garden Residences. The room is really really BIG!

I was too lazy to take more pictures because firstly, my ipod touch camera really cmi and secondly, I was busy trying to crack into the broadband access Hotel next building. The streets here are really rundown and dilapidated, with cracks on the roads and inaccessible streets due to heavy traffic and the ruins of buildings. And I proudly put what I learnt in TTO to good use, explaining to my dad that ABF stands for American Breakfast. The pool is awesome, and look like the Infinity Pool at MBS. It even has the total exact same name. There's a gym here too. Okay I gotta sleep early for breakfast and a quick dip in the pool tomorrow morning.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today's post will consist of many topics, which will be mentioned off-hand and entirely impromptu. So forgive my insolence and continue reading, as this post will benefit you in the art of time-wasting, which is totally essential on this weary Saturday evening. So receive this enlightenment and proceed in your quest for losing time.

Finally got my blazer from G2000 today from Nex. $200 for a suit set. Spending this kind of money makes me very 心痛. So I'm gonna work my ass off the next holidays and recoup this loss. Come to think of it, I got some "debts" to chase from both Cisco and Fish n Co.

I have cancelled my caller ID from my mobile line. So please excuse me if I answer and ask who you are. My brain, as you know, has limited bytes of space, unable to commit those numbers to memory.

Sidetrack: Manchester United have won their 19th English Premier League title to knock Liverpool off their "f***ing perch", as quoted by Sir Alex Ferguson.

Yesterday was a disaster for the self-professed introvert in me. Not only was I to be the centre of attention, I was to perform before a crowd of people, whose unwavering gazes served only to lower my self-esteem. And of course I would not be so stupid as to post pictures or any video of that fateful evening. However, I enjoyed the atmosphere that TP Cliquers had, it felt like a great family of strangers. How contradicting.

I was admitted into my CCA, hockey on Thursday. However, I doubt my ability to commit myself during competitions and I am also unwilling to attend excessive training sessions. As usual, my laid-back attitude comes into play once again.

Monday will be the dreaded SSM again, but there is no reward without hard work as we all know, so perseverance is key.
Tuesday will be Vesak Day, an extra holiday in our hectic schedules.
Wednesday will be the professional photoshoot in full formal.
Thursday will be a long day, with the day starting at 9am and ending at 8pm.
Friday is Campus Care Network Day, where we raise funds for the needy students in school. Our class has opted to sell food, particularly savoury cheese fries, so come support us at TP if it is within your ability. I may also lend a hand to the DPA CCN Day project- The Haunted House. Tell me if you peeps(word stolen from Mang Teng) need a hand, I will be more than glad to help.

Feeling so unfit recently, having been inactive in both soccer and basketball. My passion for the sport is unable to undermine my ability to slack, resulting in a hiatus from such activities for a whole two weeks. Time to get cracking.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Have the urge to pour everything out today.Totally miss working at the airport and those acquaintances made there. In two minds about whether to work while schooling at the same time. Somehow I feel that in this crucial semester, my already-pathetic grades will take another hit.

Alright done with SSM with painful returns. Shall not disclose the contents of today's lessons for fear of the horrific backlash. Okay that's a tad exaggerating. But it was tough. It has already become a routine for me, sleeping early on Sunday and waking up at 530am. Feels totally like secondary school but there's no choice. Okay I admit I'm actually starting to get accustomed to the harsh treatment we receive there. Sounds psychotic but it's true. If you savour the moment and think of it as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and that suffering is merely temporary, you will be able to survive. However, if you are casting doubts on yourself and in two minds over your ability, tour determination and drive will be adversely affected. I shall attempt to go with the flow and  given the values and life skills we learn there, emerge a new, and hopefully better person. Stay tuned.
Those big, alluring eyes are so attractive.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

SSM tomorrow. Okay enough said. Time to sleep. Can't wait to travel soon.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Woke up at 12 noon today. And what's the first thing that comes to mind? Of course Mcdonald's McValue lunch! So I had my Mcspicy Double meal first thing in the morning. To me it's still morning because I just woke up.

Will never get sick of this.

Went out with mum for shopping again today. Some of you must be thinking: "Not again!" Hahaha we went to the Metro Expo Sale because Singapore's so small and there's no other place to go anymore. It was considered a worth-it trip because I got myself a new pair of shoes.

My new Dr. Martens:D

After that was dinner:

Subway's Meatball Marinara

What an eventful day of shopping and eating. Thank goodness for the holiday tomorrow, or I would be suffering in SSM again.