Sunday, May 29, 2011

"I am not smart, handsome, rich or anything like that."

I have always wanted to write a post like this, explaining my inadequacy in life. It would do so much for myself to know my shortcomings and work on them. However, I realized that the only outcome would be an increased inferior complex. Furthermore, what will others think?

They will either:
1. read and ignore, which I think most will do, or
2. read and pretend to care

That's how fake this whole world is. I am not saying that the friends I have are fake. They are more than I could ever wish for. So, the best solution is to "Keep Moving Forward", as quoted from the movie "Meet The Robinsons". There's no point dwelling on the negativity people perceive you for, all that's left to do is to change that mindset.

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