Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today's post will consist of many topics, which will be mentioned off-hand and entirely impromptu. So forgive my insolence and continue reading, as this post will benefit you in the art of time-wasting, which is totally essential on this weary Saturday evening. So receive this enlightenment and proceed in your quest for losing time.

Finally got my blazer from G2000 today from Nex. $200 for a suit set. Spending this kind of money makes me very 心痛. So I'm gonna work my ass off the next holidays and recoup this loss. Come to think of it, I got some "debts" to chase from both Cisco and Fish n Co.

I have cancelled my caller ID from my mobile line. So please excuse me if I answer and ask who you are. My brain, as you know, has limited bytes of space, unable to commit those numbers to memory.

Sidetrack: Manchester United have won their 19th English Premier League title to knock Liverpool off their "f***ing perch", as quoted by Sir Alex Ferguson.

Yesterday was a disaster for the self-professed introvert in me. Not only was I to be the centre of attention, I was to perform before a crowd of people, whose unwavering gazes served only to lower my self-esteem. And of course I would not be so stupid as to post pictures or any video of that fateful evening. However, I enjoyed the atmosphere that TP Cliquers had, it felt like a great family of strangers. How contradicting.

I was admitted into my CCA, hockey on Thursday. However, I doubt my ability to commit myself during competitions and I am also unwilling to attend excessive training sessions. As usual, my laid-back attitude comes into play once again.

Monday will be the dreaded SSM again, but there is no reward without hard work as we all know, so perseverance is key.
Tuesday will be Vesak Day, an extra holiday in our hectic schedules.
Wednesday will be the professional photoshoot in full formal.
Thursday will be a long day, with the day starting at 9am and ending at 8pm.
Friday is Campus Care Network Day, where we raise funds for the needy students in school. Our class has opted to sell food, particularly savoury cheese fries, so come support us at TP if it is within your ability. I may also lend a hand to the DPA CCN Day project- The Haunted House. Tell me if you peeps(word stolen from Mang Teng) need a hand, I will be more than glad to help.

Feeling so unfit recently, having been inactive in both soccer and basketball. My passion for the sport is unable to undermine my ability to slack, resulting in a hiatus from such activities for a whole two weeks. Time to get cracking.

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