Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The ultimate feeling of fatigue and lethargy struck me this morning. Could see my lips turning pale and I could only read documents one word at a time. Not to forget the extreme hunger pangs. When I was released for breaktime, I wolfed down my entire tray of food in less than 10 minutes.

Cannot believe that I'm deprived of meeting my fellow slaves again this week. And my weekly basketball sessions have been starkly reduced to monthly. Here are just some pictures I am uploading from my itouch.

I think I'm getting the "weichong syndrome".

This picture was overdue from the last slave meeting. New korean popstar group debuting on Music Bank this Friday! D.R.Y!

And our dear wesley has gotten his driving license! Which means more impromptu supper sessions! Blasting songs while on the road simply like a bunch of douches. Not to forget the jam-brakes that catapulted us off our seats. In a span of five hours, I gobbled two hamburgers and one lemongrass dessert at tampines, one chicken rice set and cup walker at ehub, and a plate of seafood noodles at simpang. The possibilities with easy transport!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Now Playing: I Didn't Know About Love (사랑밖에 난 몰라) - BTOB

Feeling so foreign navigating the interface as the last post was exactly two weeks ago. In a flash, six weeks has already passed. Fatigue and "sleep lag" has already begun to set in. "Celebrated" my parents 23rd wedding anniversary today. Inverted commas because it wasn't really much of a celebration, simply a simple dinner at Ssikkek Korean BBQ at Novena. Embarked on the arduous and sleep-inducing bus journey back home since we decided not to become sardines on the train.

I think hairdressers or rather barbers have something against me. Even if I instruct them not to make me look as if I have already started serving the nation, they still do it nonetheless. Thus, I lose approximately one kilogram of my hair and possibly much more of my ego. Could probably fit through my front door now. Anticipation turned to disappointment as I was denied basketball for three weeks and counting due to the merciless family of Thor. The unforgiving rain pelted down, akin to hailstones which pierced any lingering hopes of shooting hoops this week. *sigh* That long-awaited dunk would have to make a backseat for now.  

Caught "Sinister" at the theatres today. The plot was rather intriguing, supported by brilliant visual and sound effects. But the movie in its entirety was let down by the cliche out-of-the-book ending, with no solution to the case whatsoever. Offers a pretty great scare though.

Back to the endless cyclical routine of work tomorrow to face the harsh pathetic reality of the working life. But take heart in the fact that the upcoming classroom session signals the halfway milestone of this nightmare.

I must go now. My planet needs me.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time: 1:46am

Awake as I lay on my bed with my eyes wide open. Can't fall asleep even after such an intense night of basketball. My body is weary but yet my mind is sober in its entirety. What a rebel.

I am shrinking. Everything and everyone seems so imposing now that I have become smaller, like a shirt straight out of the washer. Internship is the main culprit, jeopardising my sleep routine and exercise routine. Having shifts at 6am means I have to turn in practically at 8pm to clock in my 8 hours of sleep. And when I return home at 5pm, I would sleep all the way till the next morning and the cycle repeats. Which means I skip dinner every night. But considering the monstrous portions of breakfast and lunch I devour, the "shrinking" part still remains a mystery.

It really feels good to be appreciated. But this time, the recipients can be said to be highly appreciative. Although the rigours of the hospitality industry can be said to be thankless, it is all in the name of service. Although I didn't really do much, this family of six wrote a personal letter to me and another to the GM. To be honest, I was really shocked when he told me that. And guess what, along with the personal letter was a crisp $50 note enclosed. How generous. The sad thing is how this tip appears really significant as it represents 10% of my monthly allowance.

Three weeks into the real working life and I abhor it. Waking up at ungodly hours and feeling lethargic and fatigued every moment of the day is never a good feeling. We have been warned of how the working life could be so deceiving, but yet we always hated school. Don't we all regret that now?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Too busy and feeling too lethargically drained(Is there even such a word?) to even get up in the mornings nowadays. When I open my eyes at 4am at dawn, it's literally akin to looking into the Sun directly. Alas! What has happened to my mantra of sleeping and waking up early? Work aka internship is so damaging to my feet that I have super-large blisters that threaten to burst any opportune moment. Or inopportune actually. Getting the hang of sleeping at 6pm when I get back from work everyday, even skipping dinner, which is considered a high-priority activity on my list of pastimes. The funny thing is that even with the monstrous tray of food on my lunch tray and a non-stop routine of gobbling and guzzling at the lounge, I am still shrinking. Probably de-evolving perhaps. My only motivating factor is the meet-ups once every week(hopefully?). Still unable to stick to my pre-determined planned exercise regime of at least one recreational activity per week. Okay time to visit lala land in view of the 6am shift tomorrow as usual.