Sunday, October 21, 2012

Now Playing: I Didn't Know About Love (사랑밖에 난 몰라) - BTOB

Feeling so foreign navigating the interface as the last post was exactly two weeks ago. In a flash, six weeks has already passed. Fatigue and "sleep lag" has already begun to set in. "Celebrated" my parents 23rd wedding anniversary today. Inverted commas because it wasn't really much of a celebration, simply a simple dinner at Ssikkek Korean BBQ at Novena. Embarked on the arduous and sleep-inducing bus journey back home since we decided not to become sardines on the train.

I think hairdressers or rather barbers have something against me. Even if I instruct them not to make me look as if I have already started serving the nation, they still do it nonetheless. Thus, I lose approximately one kilogram of my hair and possibly much more of my ego. Could probably fit through my front door now. Anticipation turned to disappointment as I was denied basketball for three weeks and counting due to the merciless family of Thor. The unforgiving rain pelted down, akin to hailstones which pierced any lingering hopes of shooting hoops this week. *sigh* That long-awaited dunk would have to make a backseat for now.  

Caught "Sinister" at the theatres today. The plot was rather intriguing, supported by brilliant visual and sound effects. But the movie in its entirety was let down by the cliche out-of-the-book ending, with no solution to the case whatsoever. Offers a pretty great scare though.

Back to the endless cyclical routine of work tomorrow to face the harsh pathetic reality of the working life. But take heart in the fact that the upcoming classroom session signals the halfway milestone of this nightmare.

I must go now. My planet needs me.

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