Monday, March 28, 2011

Tried to import posts from blogger to livejournal but failed miserably. Read through my old blog, bringing back all the memories. I have no idea why I even did that. Those bad memories were so painful to reminisce. Although I have to admit I really missed secondary school life, and the people I met there and forged such close bonds with. There were some things not worth remembering at all and now I just feel sad all over again.

We had a mini meet-up on Saturday with Mingfong, Changjie, Renhao, Amelia, Lydia, Gale and Kaiting for Benjamin's 18th. Got him a set of Sumajin red/black headphones, a SNSD mug and CN Blue playing cards.

People, tune in to hellokpop radio for the latest kpop tracks. It's kinda awesome.

Going to the airport afterwards. Not sure whether I would have to work today. Their organisation is not very organised.

Okay so my vacation is going to be spent like that. Almost zero interactions and social networking in play. I am sure I am going to die of boredom one day.

This reminds me of what happened two days ago. My mum said that her throat was hurting badly and wanted to go to the clinic the next day. Then she unexpectedly asked me how would it be if she left us? Would it be better if there was nobody to nag at me or scold me anymore? I wouldn't even want to think about this. The mere thought is already able to bring tears to my eyes. Who said we do not cry? We have feelings too. And I love my parents so much that I can't bear to even think about it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Found a holiday job working at CC(Changi Airport). Heard that it is quite a slack job, just need to direct passengers to taxi queue. For this holidays, I will probably be doing full shifts, 3pm-12mn. Pay is about $6/hr. But what's there to complain for part-timers, having gone for two days paid training and food provided. There is also freedom of choice when choosing shifts. Taxi transport after midnight. Maximum working hours: 35 hrs per week. Once semester 2.1 begins, I will probably be doing weekends. The perks: No bond. 2 week notice upon resignation of job.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I find girls that curse a major turn-off. Please do not do that. It ruins your image.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have reached 50 posts.
And I have over 1,000 views to date.

Today was the release of my semester 1.2 results. I was super nervous prior to today and dreamt countless times on the pathetic state of my results but contrary to those "self-beliefs". Here are my results:

Compared to last semester:

Warning: A bunch of nonsense ahead.
I am happy to say that I have improved my GPA from 2.08 to 3.43 this semester. Although it may not be excellent yet, I believe that it goes a long-way to improve my cumulative GPA, from 2.08 to 2.65 currently. I don't wish for much, but to continue this state of working hard and getting the results well-deserved. You know that old saying: "You reap what you sow", or whatever it's called. Success comes with hard work, as we all know, but it's not through sheer true grit(not referring to the movie lah), but being able to study smart and manage your time wisely.

Sometimes we come across people who screw us up, or upside-down. These people are the ones out to get us, intent on breaking us up, and pulling us down.(Obsession with directions..)

Particularly people who are racist, sexist, sizeist(is there such a word?) or just having a particular take on someone else.

Okay I should just get to the point: Never ever let ONE person/thing drag you down. Your life is yours. Control it. We often come across people who affect us negatively, and I am sure the effect is just as great. But above all, we handle our own lives. Ourselves.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just a quick update:

I need a job.
And I am sick.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I think it's time to admit. I am afraid of loneliness. The sheer fear of being left alone scares me. That's the reason why I hate sitting in corners, or just being left alone. It is scary to feel like you're all by yourself. I know it's ironic, given my reclused self, but it's true. Feeling lonely is not new, but it's starting to kill me slowly inside. Once we get separated next semester, I am sure I will start to feel this way even more.

Patience is a virtue. Everyone knows that. But when I am forced to the ends of my tethers, you know that my patience has worn thin. Never in my life have I ever been frustrated like that. The fact that it made me irritated to that extent in the first place explains everything. I won't bring myself to your level anymore. Call me ungentlemanly or whatever you want. I don't care anymore. Why in the world do I have to face such a person? I will not even call you slow or retarded anymore. I will bear it for the next few weeks. After that, I hope I won't have to face such a person ever again. People around me will know that I am not one to lose my cool, and it takes effort to put me in a bad mood, let alone boil. What does that mean now? That I have reached a whole new dimension in life? No. There are two options: Either someone has really crossed the line, or that my patience level has declined. From now on, I shall revert back to the ways of pretence, which I had in the past, used to avoid others. And unfortunately, I have to wield the weapon of uncertainty again, to get away from this madness that should not even concern me from the beginning. This shall be my armour to protect and the shell to hide in for the time being. Forgive me if I appear cold. And there's no promise this time that I will return. Peace.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's been 4 days. My back is still hurting like mad. Moral of the story: Never sleep uncomfortably or you will regret it for at least a week. Okay so the time we have all been waiting for is here- holidays. But all these anticipation leads up to nothing. No one is planning anything, no one doing anything. I am sure many of you out there are either stoning at home watching dramas, or spamming the refresh button on Facebook and Twitter. That's how no-life we all are. That's why I have decided to do something useful these holidays: work! I have tried sushi tei, but they require me to commit at least 4 days a week even after school begins, which is madness. Therefore, I am going for an interview each for the next two days. Although I have no idea what to expect, I think I have to do something. No pain no gain, isn't it? Wish me luck! Hope to earn spare cash so as not to be so hard-up when all the "events" suddenly come at the same time. Speaking of which, 同人不同命. Anyway, I have decided to move on and not dwell on this any longer. And I guess not saying would be a better solution.

Friday, March 4, 2011

These past three days swept by like a "tornado", like how Chingyi described it, Pidgey's attack. That, and many other small details made the past two days probably the best moments of 2011. Tuesday was the last paper, Organisational Behaviour. Our feelings for that paper will be one of anxiety, yet excitement, considering that it was the last of our two papers. Wednesday was CHALET DAY! Like finally, the day that all of 1H08 were anticipating had come! Or what I would describe as Valence of Outcome in OB, the anticipation of a reward as compared to effort put in. And I am sure we all value this reward, don't we? The morning was spent at Ain's to purchase groceries, pack rice and lunch. Cheryl's dad fetched us to the place. This time, our chalet was at National Service Resort & Country Club. We were filled with awe at the splendour of the bungalow. It was two storeys tall with a kitchen, living room and two bedrooms. Pictures will be up as soon as someone posts them on facebook. Yes I am just too lazy to take my own pictures.

Cheryl was in-charge of overall booking & planning. Most stressful job for our Type A personality girl. Her provided us transport and also to ferry the stuff around, and also provided food. Send regards to your parents for us. Ain was the best treasurer we could ever have had. Although many of us may feel "sian", having her to chase us for payment every now and then, we must know that if no one does this dirty job,  no one will. She was also main provider of food, thanks to Ain's mum for that! Jeremy brought his wii that provided much entertainment to all of us. And I must admit my hand-eye coordination in Band Hero was really poor. Because I play the guitar like a piano.
Everyone of us for being there. I am sure that all of these would not have gone well if we did not make the effort to be present, probably in the very last formal meeting as a class.