Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have reached 50 posts.
And I have over 1,000 views to date.

Today was the release of my semester 1.2 results. I was super nervous prior to today and dreamt countless times on the pathetic state of my results but contrary to those "self-beliefs". Here are my results:

Compared to last semester:

Warning: A bunch of nonsense ahead.
I am happy to say that I have improved my GPA from 2.08 to 3.43 this semester. Although it may not be excellent yet, I believe that it goes a long-way to improve my cumulative GPA, from 2.08 to 2.65 currently. I don't wish for much, but to continue this state of working hard and getting the results well-deserved. You know that old saying: "You reap what you sow", or whatever it's called. Success comes with hard work, as we all know, but it's not through sheer true grit(not referring to the movie lah), but being able to study smart and manage your time wisely.

Sometimes we come across people who screw us up, or upside-down. These people are the ones out to get us, intent on breaking us up, and pulling us down.(Obsession with directions..)

Particularly people who are racist, sexist, sizeist(is there such a word?) or just having a particular take on someone else.

Okay I should just get to the point: Never ever let ONE person/thing drag you down. Your life is yours. Control it. We often come across people who affect us negatively, and I am sure the effect is just as great. But above all, we handle our own lives. Ourselves.

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