Friday, July 29, 2016

This is going to be a rant so if you are going to be even in the least offended or affected by my negativity, I'd advise you to click the red square in the top red corner, and the red circle for mac users.

I really don't get how bold some people can be. Alright, I get it that your modules are assignment-heavy and this Friday is the deadline for your individual submissions. But as a member of a group project, don't you have the basic duty to put some effort into the group assignment too? Deadlines are deadlines. So the stipulated deadlines by the school are to be adhered to, but the deadlines as set by the group are not? I acknowledge that some of you do put something on google docs past the deadline, but the plain bare fact is that you are still late. Prioritizing individual assignments over group assignments by thinking your group members will do up the rest of the work is absolutely selfish. And I understand that some of you are working. But that does not give you a reason to be absent from group meetings. If you even had the basic courtesy, I would at least see you online on google docs, because I was on there from the time I woke up till 6pm. And the deadline is Sunday, but you have the cheek to say that you'll be working all the way till then so you won't be able to commit. Your working hours being inflexible is not our fault and none of our business. And just because my English is better means I get to do proofreading for every freaking project report? What logic is that? And those people that think proofreading is easy have obviously never done any in their entire lives. You think it's just reading through and correcting your grammar and vocabulary? Then why not you do that in the first place, rather than letting the one that is proofreading try and figure out your thoughts and re-editing your entire paragraph so that it makes freaking sense? Why is it that some people do not even have the basic sense to read through their work before posting it up on the docs? Some sentences absolutely make no sense, so I am supposed to read your mind and get something out? Am I getting extra marks for doing this? So why is it that everyone simply takes things for granted and assumes that someone will do up the report for submission, while they are free to do their own things? Is my time worth any less than yours? Why is it my responsibility to ensure everything flows and makes sense? It's because of times like these that makes me skeptical of team assignments, because some people simply expect others to carry them across the finish line. The next time anybody asks, my grade for English is F9.    

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