Monday, January 4, 2016

One post a month ever since August 2015. What do you call that? Consistency.

It's January, the month of resolutions. And what did we resolve to achieve by the end of the year? To eat healthily. I can't deny that I have been eating loads more due to being in a relationship, but I guess that can be attributed to being happy in it. Food translates to happiness. At least it does for me.

Got back from Bangkok just over a week ago, and it still feels so surreal. That I got to end the year on such a splendid note, with my "favouritest" person in the Universe. Five straight days in her sole company may seem little, but I highly doubt that we will get many opportunities like this much in future once we both embark on our respective careers.

The best things that happened to me in 2015:

The return of ♥ from Melbourne on July 1
♥'s planning of my birthday at We are the Furballs and Carnivore
Our 1st anniversary celebration at The Clan
Our first official trip to Bangkok on December 22

"It wasn't easy for us to come together, so never want us to be apart ever again."

And of course, not forgetting my family being kept safe and happy throughout the year.

For 2016, I hope that we can all be safe and happy. It may seem basic, but really, if you ignore the immaterial things that offer temporary respite, safety and happiness is already alot to ask for.

I hope that I will be able to navigate through university smoothly.
I hope that S and I will continue to love each other unconditionally.
I hope that everyone I hold dear will be safe and happy.
I hope to be less passive and more proactive.

2015 had been good to me. Therefore, I just hope 2016 will be better than 2015.

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