Thursday, November 12, 2015

I know I am not the most open person. Nor do I want everything about me to be plastered all over social media. That is why I chose to confide in just a few close friends. It is one thing to share news about everyday life, and another thing to confide in someone else when it comes to relationship matters. If I tell you anything regarding this personal subject, it means that I really trust you, and the least I expect is for you to share in my joy, and not use my words and ridicule me in front of someone else. And when I say I am serious about my future plans, you mock me and my perceived rashness. And seriously, don't you know that making fun of a bro's girlfriend is absolutely taboo? Or bringing up an ex-relationship just to prove a point? Aren't you always sensitive about these things? Since you don't appreciate my sharing of such personal information, I guess I am just going to revert back to my reclusive old self. Because I see no value in letting you know such personal details about me anymore.  

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