Thursday, September 29, 2011

Today was supposed to be a long-procrastinated 1H08 dinner. But due to my utter laziness and selfishness, I contributed to its failure to happen. As more people decided against going, the more this event was going to fail. So I can effectively attribute its resultant failure to my no-show. Not that I am saying that me not turning up could have any impact on the mood. Okay I am typing rubbish.

Overthink ruins relationships.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

These past few days had been a whirlwind experience, fun and memorable yet swift. Having worked under one of the most generous and caring managers ever, we really enjoyed ourselves. Wednesday and Thursday were just set-up days so nothing much really happened.

The real ecstasy only started at the stroke of midnight on Sunday, after the race had ended. As a bartender, I was expecting a roaring flow of guests but instead, all of them were heading home already. Therefore, our manager brought us all into the kitchen and we popped champagne to celebrate. After that, a deejay started spinning songs on the turntable at the stage. Almost all of my colleagues stormed out to club at the grass outside the Paddock Club, even when it started raining heavily. I, being wise as always, decided against it and till now I do not regret it. There was even a typical bar fight and it took 6 men to take down a drunk man. It was total chaos out there as they partied like there was no tomorrow and drink, drank and got drunk. After the music had ended, they came back into the restaurant and started shivering like crazy, attempting to plant kisses on the others and started lying down almost everywhere, on the table and even on the floor. I still remember us leaving the place only at 5am I think. I returned home and only had 5 hours of sleep before I had to leave my house to clear up the place at the Paddock Club.

Crazy people partying in the rain
Our awesome manager
We were supposed to give a "not happy" face.
The bartenders at the martini bar
Can't find me right?
Check out our manager!
My workstation, with the live TV broadcast just right above.
Another crazy manager who once stuck the earplugs on his head.
Acting like rich kids and playing with cans of beer.
He who thought me the tricks of the trade.

I shall classify this day as the "Day of Wastage". We went to clear everything out from the kitchen and chiller and to our dismay, we were instructed to pour away up to 100 bottles of champagne, all the juices and even canned drinks. Thus, we popped the champagne bottles over and over, till my fingers had blisters. We even washed our hands in champagne! After a hard day's work, we returned to My Humble House restaurant at the Esplanade to sign out our attendance cards before heading to JusAcia at Marina Square for dinner. After that, a group of us decided not to return home so early and stayed around the Esplanade concourse to talk and take pictures. To our surprise, Asri called Jerrald and we returned to MHH for another round of drinking and talking, hearing his life story and his past experiences. We started getting hungry, so we went down to makansutra on level one to pack some nuggets, french fries and chicken. Even though there was a sudden outburst at the end of the day, including a heated atmosphere, we totally enjoyed ourselves.

Not to forget the day when Shaun drank expired apple juice and will forever remember the expiry date.

The champagne we poured away so many bottles of.
And he strikes again.
Our dinner at JusAcia.
Asri attempting to shuffle.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ended work 15mins early and rushed down to collect the F1 uniform with weiling and weichong at Orchard Parade Hotel. Been very long since I saw weichong. Met at Orchard MRT and unbelievably, I was the last to arrive. But not late okay! Walked here and there and finally managed to find the place. My uniform looks something like this:

Don't ask me why the picture look like some kungfu master from China. But at least compared to the others, I think mine is one of the better-looking ones already. Sorry daniel hahahaha just had to post it. How about this:

The front looks okay actually.

Why have that emblazoned so big? Scared people don't know is steward?
Met up with sherri and zhiqi at ion orchard and we had burger king for dinner before heading home.

Back from futsal at kallang cage with keef, eric, darren and their friends. Aching here and here. But it was a good experience, and the venue was good. Just that it was really very tiring playing up front so I switched back to playing defence halfway through. Slightly sprained my ankle as my right foot landed awkwardly, twisting the ankle. Sherri just asked how come we so lousy play 2hours only. Had burger king AGAIN at kallang leisure park before heading home with darren.

Not meeting my mum at ikea for dinner because I'm too tired. Going to finish last two episodes of City Hunter today!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yesterday was a rather failed visit to Singapore Discovery Centre. Our expectations dipped even before we reached our destination. For the record, we waited for the promised shuttle bus from 1130 all the way till 1400 before we gave up and cabbed down. And the taxi fare was seriously no measly sum. By the time we reached, we only had ample time to catch The Smurfs 3D and after we finished, all the attractions were almost closed. So we trained down to Orchard to meet up with tess for ayam penyet again. Really can't get enough of the fiery sensation every time my tongue touches the spicy chili paste. Everybody were fickle-minded and kept switching their food decisions. One moment all want boneless chicken, next moment all want normal one. Zhiqi had to erase and re-write so many times.  After dinner, we went to gather at some coffee place for a little while before heading home. Missed all the talks we would have as a group, having been separated these holidays. Realized the importance of socializing, really do not want to end up as complete strangers years later with people whom you have once been close with.

Sat at the end of the table yesterday:(

Friday, September 16, 2011

Met zhiqi at Pasir Ris mrt and we headed to "behind the hill" bus stop to board 109 and make our way to changi village. Realized we were really early because yiinshin just left her house when we reached changi village. Had been ages since I went there. Met shawn and sherri buying their share of potluck, which was 15 pieces of goreng pisang. Zhiqi and I bought 3 family packs of crackers. Had the famous changi village nasi lemak which I felt was nice but not that much of a hoo-ha in actual fact.

We then went over to the jetty to wait for the other slowcoaches.When everyone had gathered, we hopped onto the bumboat which brought us over to the island of Pulau Ubin. So everyone was like teasing me over wearing jeans in such hot weather and especially when we were going to perspire. I had no choice. I had approximately 27 sandfly bites and I did not want people to think I had some kind of disease, given the big red spots all over both my calves. Upon reaching ubin, we rented bicycles to explore the island. However, after certain trials and tribulations, I ended up on a double bike with sherri and it is really no mean feat dragging a deadweight around up and down slopes. However, I must admit the fact that at least she was light. Cycled around and ended up on the jetty where we snacked and played songs. Realized we had enough of the humid and painful torture so we returned our bicycles and went back to mainland Singapore.

Went into subway but exited soon after because we decided to go over to white sands for dinner. Felt very bad because like if the owner see 10 potential customers walk in enjoy aircon then after that go out, he confirm upset one. Settled down at Xin Wang HK cafe and I had pork chops and the yinyang coffea/tea. Went home with most of the titbits because I was seen to live the nearest. What kind of lousy reason is this? Nevertheless, finally made my way back home to examine my battle scars. Turns out that both my forearms have turned red. I even have the imprint of my watch on my left wrist. Hopefully it will not be that painful.

Meeting classmates to go Singapore Discovery Centre tomorrow. Hope it rains because the weather nowadays really buay tahan. 15 days to taiwan trip. Can't wait!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Felt super bored at work as every minute felt like an hour.
Really missed all my friends while working.
That's why I spammed twitter.
Sorry about that.
Anyhow, I'm gonna stop working at the end of the month.
Making long-procrastinated visit to tuition teacher tomorrow.
Meeting the gang after that to celebrate Hari Raya at tuna's and ain's.
Feeling very sad now because I just watched the 911 video on sherri's blog.
Made me rue how fragile life can be.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another slack day at work even though one part-timer took leave. Tried Mcdonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese but didn't really like it. I think it just tastes like a more compact version of a Big Mac. Signed out at 5.01pm, reminiscent of the kiasu I always am. Really want to travel after seeing thousands of people step through the departure gate in the course of my duty. Faced the cold hard truth of loneliness and boredom today that I resorted to small talk with random strangers. Really must work with friends the next time round.

Thanks to zhiqi, chingyi and michelle for their out-of-the-blue belated birthday present and card! Really appreciate the thought even though it's over one month belated.

*sings "Thanks To" by Beast*

Just what I needed if you saw my cui previous one, which I'm not gonna post
The cute birthday card
Keep your fond memories forever and do not lose them. On a fine day a million years later, we will look back at them and smile, even when the physical memory may have disintegrated.