Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Here's the long-awaited post you guys have been waiting for, you stalkers. Even without posting anything, I am averaging 22 hits a day, and since I have removed my chatbox, I have a feeling it must be the stalkers in 1H08 and 2H02. As I am writing this, I just kicked my toe against the floor and it hurts so bad. Let's start from Saturday, when we had our TTO test and then right after, it was the HTM guys soccer kickabout. 1H08 tried desperately to make it seem like a surprise. Even eric was involved in luring me away from the court. Even against my violent protests, I still followed him to the toilet so that the surprise could take place. The conversation went something like this:

Eric: Ehhh Raymond, 厕所 leh.
Me: Huh? 不要 lah, 我不急.
Eric: Then
水 lah.
Me: *shows him my waterbottle*
我 refill liao.
Eric: Just
去 ah!

Anyway, I saw my classmates crouching behind the barricade from the third floor of IT school concourse.

My poor classmates hiding from me and the sun.

I have no idea why but the surprises we plan always fail. but nevertheless, it was an enjoyable experience, and also a rare occasion for the former class to meet up, chat and take nonsensical pictures. But still, I feel very touched that they still bothered to come celebrate my birthday for me, although it was a simple one. Someone once said, it matters not about the presents, or the occasion, but what really matters is the company. Actually I came up with that only just. Felt very heartened that we can still bond over such occasions. Enjoy the nonsensical pictures: 

*crops weichong and mich pau in*

Daniel having cramps?

Chingyi stepped on daniel's ****?

Chingyi's all-powerful wingchun punch

Chingyi: "This is home, truly~"

Steph's trademark guanyinma pose

My fans looking at me with adoration

After leaving TP, we set out to Starbucks at Tampines Mall. As I was attending my niece birthday at night, I resolved not to eat too much. However, the hunger demon got me and I ended up buying an entire Burger King meal with the uber-delicious taro turnover. Afterwhich, we sat around and talked, not forgetting to photo-spam. Which included professional endorsements of Pokka green tea, Casio watches, Blackberry smartphones and last but not least, the epic blueberry muffins. Wait for it.

Introducing........The New Blackberry Curve!

Zhiqi's favourite drink. Not!

The picture is supposed to look as if the person is biting the phone

I shall be nice and not put any pictures of daniel's unglam seating position.

Continuing on, the wait for the blueberry muffin model is over. Here it is:

I am so not gonna buy the muffins if the commercial photo comes out like this

And here's her signature pose to top it all off.

Chiongyi scratching her head. I also don't know why.

After that, I went over to bedok reservoir to celebrate my niece, Gerlynn's birthday. I think I'm a bad uncle because I have no idea how old she is this birthday. I am guessing five. Upon leaving, Dad wanted to play with cousin's DSLR and he took this:

Was so fed up waiting for mum to finish gossiping with the , so we took bus 21 instead of waiting for 4th aunt to drive us home. And this concludes Saturday only! I am very tired but I shall persevere on, for the sake of my loyal stalkers.

My secondary school classmates were supposed to surprise me at my home. So they called up everyone they could to try to find out the location of my house. However, after finally getting my residential phone number, they were told by my mum that I had already left home. So.....another failed surprise. Hahahaha so I met them at JusAcia DTE for dinner. The spicy cheese ramen was rather awful. The instant noodles I prepare are like a thousand times better than theirs. I shall let the pictures do the talking.

Tingxu's pose is seriously indescribable

My secondary school "plaything". just kidding:D

"The Water Fountain" 

My hyung!

I can only describe this picture as "A Heavy Manslut"
So happy they finally stepped into my house

And so, I have finished. This post is only as interesting as you make it out to be.

Zhiqi said to me the other day, that I am describing an angel in my wordpress post.
Is it true that someone like this does not exist?
I choose to believe otherwise. 

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