Friday, July 8, 2011

Having been on hiatus for almost a week, I guess it's time to pick up that pen and write again. Metaphorically though. Times have changed and we start using keyboards nowadays. Although I think sending a note by pigeon is rather cool. Distracted once again. Obsessed with Beast's songs ever since I attended their fan meet last Saturday. Please refer to previous post if you have no idea what I am talking about. Therefore, I created a pure B2ST playlist on my itouch, even if it meant wasting the space.

And a sidetrack once again: Just realised sherri changed so many people's contact pictures to those of hers on my phone. Shameless or what. And I sustained so many cuts from her witch-like fingernails today. Ruthless.

Today was rather slack, although both marketing and accounting lectures were boring as hell. Finished up TTO project although there were certain hiccups along the way. Extremely pleased with how our project group was working, as everyone made substantial contributions. Met weichong, weiling and sherri for dinner at Mcdonalds. Spent a whopping $8 for Chili Chicken McGrill and Twister fries. Note to self: Don't eat dinner at Mac as it is a total waste of money. Did not manage to join daniel at chai chee cc for some singing. Due to fatigue and monetary reasons. Time to save some cash to do some online shopping of my own because I wouldn't want to exceed the limit set by myself on my bank account. Took bus 39 with weichong. Have to pity him because when I alight from the bus, it will still be another 45mins to an hour before he reaches home.

Okay I am done with today's post. Don't blame me if it is boring because this is the way my life is.

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