Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Don't you think Janice is pretty? I am not saying her twin is not, but she is prettier right. For looks alone, no personality included yet, she meets the grade. Long hair and big, round eyes. With an angelic voice to boot. Read my Wordpress if you want to know what I mean. I am feeling so bored this lonely night. Rather emo over marketing presentation because I know I screwed it up. But hurray, no more presentations this semester!

Okay shall start with the eventful day yesterday. We were locked out of BESE lesson because our tutor was so fed up with us for being late, and having no regard for punctuality. But why were we late? Because we were having an awesome lunch at the Culinary Institute of America. Okay maybe not the real institute, but the sub-campus situated at TCA. Classical banquet featuring three courses and red wine.

Look at our happy faces. Eat full full already of course happy lah.
The day's menu

The tomato soup. Too sour for me.

The rather delicious meat loaf.

The apple crisp dessert which was a tad too sweet.

Posing with our not-very-nice red wine.

 We tried to finish up on marketing presentation in school. And went over to engine to get spicy nuggets. The conversation with the smexy nugget-aunty sounded something like this:

Aunty: 小弟 order 了吗?
Me: Err...还没有.给我 56 个 nugget. 要辣.
Aunty: *speechless*

After that, I met daniel, zhiqi and chingyi to go have Aston's at Jurong cafe. It is like freaking situated in Tampines, but just to confuse us, they named it Jurong cafe???

Chingyi took this picture. And I think it's time to slim down.

Fast forward to today. Marketing project. Then, Cheesy 2pc chicken at KFC. Next, Chai Chee CC KTV. My throat hurts. And I want to kun already.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sugarloaf Headwaiter tomorrow. Sounds glamorous and all but actually it just means that when anything goes wrong, it's your fault. Appointed "leadership" roles for almost the whole of the Top Table stint, been Runner, Captain and Asst. Headwaiter for the last week. Finished up the torturous TCC and now here we are at Sugarloaf, and me being HW. Another four weeks more and we will be free. Somehow or other, I rather miss operations. I dislike the "studying" for Prof Test 2 at TCC. Weird isn't it?

Anyway, it's just another lazy weekend. Brother woke up at 6pm and asked: "Is it morning yet?". Consequences of the crazy army life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Accounting was okay, not that straightforward nor that complicated. Last two minutes were heart-pumping because I discovered a mistake. I was like super relaxed and waiting for time to pass by faster so I can faster submit and escape. And then, I saw that I had put food and beverage expense as an operating expense rather than as cost of goods sold. Weichong, teruna, jeremy and chuenheng got the same answer. So I guess I am safe? #self-assuring

Stephanie, Weiling, Daniel, Zhiqi and I went over to prata shop to have eat. Go so many times already still don't know the name of the shop. Today I didn't eat my usual one egg one kosong. I tried the chicken murtabak for the first time and oh my, 4 gigantic slices of chicken-filled "prata" came plonked on the plate. "Slices" is an understatement. And for the first time, the dwaeji in me failed to conform and I was unable to finish it. NTS: Share with someone else next time, or only eat when really hungry. We sat there from 8pm all the way till almost 1030pm, when the prataman chased us away. We did pay for our food, not like someone? *hinthint* And this someone has a new name for me. My contact ID in his phone is now "pigmond". How can like that? Make me sound like some ink pigment like that.

After reaching Pasir Ris at 1105pm like that, zhiqi's next bus at 11:11pm. So nice time right. Then I saw my next bus is at 1134pm. OMG I rather walk home lah, my house only 4 bus stops from interchange, want me wait almost half an hour for stupid bus?!

As I walked home, I realized Pasir Ris is really a rather peaceful and quiet estate. See I nothing to do, so took out my ipod camera #likeatourist and started taking pictures of the empty, eerie streets. Sorry for lousy photo quality, I not very "plofashioner" and my ipod camera also zai zai one can.

See even slide also nobody.

Also empty.
Okay I today very stressed, so it's time to relak and lepak one corner. *uses matrep accent*

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TTO Sharing at 10am this morning. It was the first presentation that I had used such a massive amount of Singlish without being mindful of my language selection. Anyway, it was really fun reminiscing those precious memories of Australia. No matter what, I will miss those times forever. Then boring BESE next. Kudos to Ms Quah for trying to make the lesson as interesting as possible, with the live polls, funny expressions and role play. Blame it on the subject, not the tutor, I would say. The subject was way too boring.

Right after, we headed over to TCA, particularly Sugarloaf, to get a feel of the place and also plan for our project. It was rather cool being there after operation hours, because we felt locked in with no exits available, only the carge lift. And if that broke down, it would mean that we were stranded in Sugarloaf!

Next, Daniel, Weichong, Zhiqi and I cabbed over to Ikea for our Tuesday staple meatball combo! And chicken wings plus ice cream of course. As we sat down eating, we did not realize that we talked all the way till the skies became dark. We played truth games such as "Shoot-Shag-Marry"(is this how you spell it?) and the rating game, which yielded certain unexpected results. Then we started comparing the people at the table to celebrities. Actually only Daniel. He insisted he looked like Mike He, Danson Tang, Hong Junyang etc. In truth, we gave him comparisons to Cai Tou, Nono, Kang Kang, Jacky Wu and Chen Wei Lian. Hilarious stuff! Then we decided to make the "comparison thingy" like in two posts ago. However, I am too lazy to do them now because I want to watch The Big Bang Theory already. Highlight of the day: Weichong treated us to Ikea ice cream! Generous guy! Good night people!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Today wasn't a good day for all of us I guess, having read steph and sherri's blog, knowing that daniel is somewhere emoing and weichong and chingyi are sick. Shall start on myself first because I am that self-centred. Hahaha just joking. Wine test was rather disastrous. Being the first was already a bad omen all by itself. Wine glasses all have stains, as said by Roger Chan. The thing is I did not even handle the glasses with my hands! I used the damn glass cloth all the time! That was just the beginning. It all went downhill from there as I forgot to wipe the wine bottle and announce the wine after that. Enough about me or depression will set in, coupled with that incessant nagging inner disappointment from last week.

Cheer up tess and steph. It's the instructors' mouth, they can say whatever they want. And it's not the first time you have known them for their poisoned tongue. We got that during our time there too. However much we constantly consoled ourselves, trying to save any ounce of dignity, they shoot it all out of the sky. Knowing that you have done your best is enough. Leave Top Table with no regrets.

I can't control myself, but I must. Abandon and move on.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wanted to do this for very long time already. Look like? Say yes and make me happy lah. Should do this for our class people, both 1H08 and 2H02. I think it will be very fun. Chingyi's one really look like! Her's is below.

Post your comments and let me know who look like who in which picture and I will try to make this comparison!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wore formal to Jack's Place yesterday just to take a photo which lasted a mere 5 seconds. Met "she-who-will-not-be-named" there but pretended never see. However, she noticed and facebook messaged me. I shall not delve too much into this matter anymore. I may or may not post on the other site tonight. Rushed home to grab my racquet and bag before going to TP sports complex to join my class for badminton. Fun but tiring is how I would describe it.

Fast forward to today. Wore the exact outfit as I did when visiting UQ in Australia. Really miss the times spent there and especially the weather. Stop here. Don't want to get too emotional now. Met chingyi and jinlin at Sugarloaf, with my class, for lunch. Have to stop dining there because it is so expensive yet not value for money. Booked a spot for CIA's banquet next next Tuesday. Heard the food there was not bad. Had fun behaving like kids with steph and sherri. Sorry sherri, I think I hit you a tad too hard. I always feel guilty after I hit someone, especially weichong, whom I hit so often in the past. But often, the damage is already done. After school at 1pm, my plans for wanting to print notes disappeared into thin air as we decided to catch "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two" at Century Square. Relieved to get student rate at $6, although it meant that some of them missed the front portion of the movie. Sorry guys for this selfish act.

Rather awesome movie.
Okay time to spam some photos from the sisters of "buay-hiao-bai-ness", aka BHB.

And if you think this is all, you are absolutely wrong. Feel free to go to my facebook profile and check out the album aptly named "The true meaning of BHB encaptured". My phone and iTouch are filled with photos of them. Lame excuse like "Raymond, can borrow your iTouch? I need mirror." The next thing I know is I find these "masterpieces" in my photo gallery. What to do, these two BHB Level 100 already. Grandmaster level.

My collection of Skelanimals:

Still got alot haven't hang up only. People come my house confirm think is some kind of amulet used to ward off spirits. I very tired already, so I shall end here.