Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yesterday was an epic day. Firstly, it was the journey ALL THE WAY to SMU just for SSM discussion. Okay I know it was to familiarize ourselves with our various job scopes and stuff, but isn't that a tad too far for a person who only knows the eastern part of Singapore? Next, we went back to TP for Tung Lok interview, which was more like information-disseminating than an actual interview. And next, it was down to Tampines to meet my beloved secondary mates which I haven't met since the age of the dinosaurs. And we bought helium balloons for a whopping $41! It was Tiap's birthday celebration at NSRCC, which brought back fond memories of our time there for class chalet, which I am sure we enjoyed so much. However, we felt rather outcasted due to the massive amount of other "strangers" there. So we just did our own things, and had to leave at 1030pm. And here comes the classic moment that will remain in our memories. Having missed the last bus out, we lay stranded like a bunch of illegal immigrants. Until Wesley requested for a hitchhike from a random pickup truck uncle. AND WE WERE SUCCESSFUL! No words could describe the feeling of salvation and the tremendous rush of adrenaline running through our blood that moment we climbed onboard. I shall let the pictures speak for themselves.

The smiles speak for themselves

Hair flying everywhere

Happy Benny

The "sad" people who were cooped up at the front
Hahaha so that's it. Seoul Garden tonight. Anticipating and dreading school, which is starting in 2 days.

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