Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I have no idea why but I am addicted to blogging. One post a day is sometimes not even enough for me. Must be because of the high demand. Just joking. Or to satisfy the stalkers' cravings? Hahaha.

Today was a rather mundane day at school. Timeline update. Esprit casual long-sleeved shirt to school. Perspired. And it could be seen so clearly because of the colour of the shirt. I'm never gonna wear that shirt without an innershirt ever again. APEL class was gossip session again. Chuen heng almost gave my blog away. Luckily everyone only has access to this public blog and not my private one. Ms Koh also asked me who my eye candy in HTM is. I totally stunned because I have no answer to that question. Or maybe I just don't feel secure saying it out? Hmm..Mensa for lunch. Ate Mark's so-called 人间美味 dory fish and potato chowder. Really super delicious can. Then it's over to library for guys gossip session with two other class guys who have the same pattern as Eric. 开口闭口 vulgarities. They started asking around who they think in our class chio. In my heart I was thinking:"Not again?!" BESE right after. So heng today wear smart casual inside with blazer over then never kena check for grooming. Played with the tongue tattoo that sherri bought. Unfortunately, it only lasts like a few seconds before fading off.

Waited for daniel, ain, weichong and chingyi to end lessons before heading over to Tampines for Texas Chicken. As usual, weichong abandoned us. No surprise. Played the staring game. Satisfied my cravings for chicken and then checked out the cinemas. Unbelievably, there was nothing suitable, so we headed home. Bussed 15 with chingyi, zhiqi, ain and weiling. Epic time on the bus with zhiqi and I attempting to unbroaden(make smaller) chingyi's shoulders by squashing her in between. After that, imitated the matrep accent at Pasir Ris interchange. While queueing for bus 359, one guy keep staring at me but I have no idea why. Must be the weird looks I get the whole day for carrying a blazer around. I really don't suit the formal look meh?

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