Monday, November 1, 2010

A blog refers to a personal diary to record and rant whatever you feel, however you like. If people read my posts and feel angsty after that, I clarify that it was never my intention to do that. But if you take them with a pinch of salt, nothing will change. Don't ever be mad or harbour hate in your heart against me. I am trying my best to be as real as I can be. If I feel sad, this is the only avenue I can rant on. If I am angry, this is also the only place to vent it all. You can't expect me to pour my frustrations all out when I'm out there, because somebody's gonna get hurt real bad. And I have been bottling it all up all these while, any longer and I will explode. Seriously. For the past years, I have been changing blog addresses, changing blogs once and again. However,I have realized that the true essence of it all is the courage to face your inner feelings and take whatever life throws at you. This includes the different viewpoints others may have of you, or a certain way they feel of you. Therefore, I have decided that I will run no longer. Anything I write here may or may not be targeted at you. But trust me, any hate I have for a person disappears in mere minutes. Grudges are forgotten in an instant, so please forget things that may have happened in the past. Of course, I don't refer to past events anymore. They have been long forgotten in my memories. However, if you insist on bringing past issues up and hate me on those, there's nothing I can do. But all we need in this world is trust. With it, nothing is impossible. And I never mean to and hopefully, never want to hurt anyone, both psychologically and physically. As I slip back into the murky darkness of this entire guise, I regret that I have never been the best I can be, so please accept what I am for now. Till I am able to accept myself.

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