Sunday, December 2, 2012

Aching like crazy all over after playing basketball again after laying off for almost a month. How can I expect to get fit for Napfa when my only available recreation time is once a month? Making me boil that we interns are never the first priority, taking the hits such as switching from afternoon to morning shift and vice versa consecutively back and forth.  On a lighter note, it's only 54 days to the end of internship! Freedom will come, and it will be sweet. This internship stint has allowed me to narrow down my career choices in future. Although it is my industry of interest, I'm not willing to commit to the uncertainties that come along with it. Shall make the decision when the time is ripe. There's still 2 years of pondering during NS anyway. Really can't wait for the trips to taiwan and korea. Okay no feel or inspiration to continue anymore.

Picture of the night: Ajumma hot-spring fashion!

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