Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Three down, one to go. But the one left could be the hardest of all. As they always say, the worst is yet to come. Couldn't describe my lifestyle now with other words other than dull, boring and mundane. With the examinations spread out over a span of eight days, I avoided sports and exercise for fear of getting burned out. Like how I told my mum I should not train right before the MICE paper yesterday in case I didn't have the energy to write the paper afterwards. Okay laziness could be another logical reason. Cannot wait for the semester to be over and hopefully receive good grades to rescue my pathetic cGPA. 

And the dream of learning either the drums or the violin just disappeared again, considering my paltry seven days of vacation before the start of SIP. "Studied" for a short while earlier. Described in inverted commas because it was of zero effect. Scumbag brain can only concentrate with full serenity, peace and quiet. Attempted to switch on the player for some classical music of Richard Clayderman but realised I lost the disc. Yes, third-world me is still using a compact disc. Reduced to using the boombox radio but failed to search for any classical radio stations and 98.7 was too noisy. In the end, I gave up studying altogether. Friday's paper is possibly the last major examination paper that I have to undertake for the next few years, can you believe it? And after that, hopefully we are going ahead with the planned food trail on Friday! Imagine Katong Laksa, CMC Confectionery, Boon Tong Kee Chicken Rice, Beancurd Salad and Pork Ribs Soup all in a day! That procrastinated diet would have to take the backseat.  

Shall end this post with an inspiring picture (with a quote from Harvey Dent):

Completely no evidence to prove that Lance Armstrong had used dope to improve his race condition. And the association had absolutely no authority to remove his seven Tour de France titles. Do those 500+ tests that he underwent not mean a thing? Even if he was innocent, the incessant accusations were more than enough to break his spirit. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Regretfully, the authorities thought otherwise.

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