Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tuesday was a milestone not because it signifies the end of us being labelled as "juniors", but also as a personal achievement marking the end of Accounting in my life! I cannot describe the utter abhorrence I have for this subject, but I should at least be relieved that I have had awesome tutors to guide me along. Kudos to my secondary 4 POA teacher whose name I have regretfully forgotten, Ms Tan of semester 2.1 and Ms Teo of 2.2. Even Mr Leong, although many people say he can't teach. The one that really can't teach is the lecturer Mr Chiang lor please. 

I will always remember the epic decision I made to give up on accounting in secondary 4, leaving my textbook under the table ever since the mid-year examination because firstly, I thought HTM wouldn't have to do accounting and secondly, I'm not gonna use POA for my L1B4. It was no surprise that I garnered a grade of D7, the only blemish and failure in my O level certificate. Imagine my utter horror when I discovered we had to take not one, but two accounting modules in HTM.

So I was like totally unprepared for tuesday's paper, but luckily it had mercy on me. But I still hate Hubbart. Went home after lunch at mensa because everyone was so tired. Met at Raffles Place in the evening as we had a reservation at Timbre at The Arts House. Had the highly-acclaimed duck pizza that everone was craving for. The buffalo wings were delicious too. Nothing much to do at Raffles anyway, so we all just headed home.

We spent Wednesday at Siloso Beach Sentosa. It was meant to be a surprise for Jane and Tuna so we are glad they "appeared" surprised. Although the rain was slightly a dampener, we still enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. The captain's ball on the beach was really fun!

And down to today. No plans for the day. ANF has not scheduled me for the past week and the next two weeks already. How to save money like that? I have a feeling this holiday is going to be boring since I don't really have much plans to go by. Shall stone in front of the computer for 10 hours a day then. 

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