Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 will be regarded as one of the best horror films of all time because it managed to make me jump from my seat. Not many films have the potential to do that. Hahaha. I think it was also the first time that many of us watched a film together. Split into 7-6. I think steph only managed to watch 1/3 of the screen through the gaps of her fingers and could be heard complaining how long more of this torture she must endure.

Random dinner meet-up at Siglap for lammy's return to Singapore with renhao, chang, mingfong and wesley. Super irritated when people set a time and come 1-hour late. Punctuality is the best policy, there's no use in apologising afterwards. So when they reached at almost 10pm, we headed over to Xin Wang HK Cafe(again) for "dinner". Our entire experience was a disaster when the manager stood at the door and not showing us to our table even with us standing there for a full 5 minutes. Ordered my pork chop and it was horrible! It reminded me of a tasteless piece of raw rubber. It was that bad okay! Same sentiments from mingfong and renhao. Got my mild caffeine fix from an icy cold mug of yingyong. That was the only bright spark in the meal. We had to ask for the bill twice because the manager apparently forgot our request. When he finally came with the bill, I was appalled that there was no feedback form for us to comment on their service or their food. Therefore, we decided to boycott that restaurant for an undecided period of time.

That stands for Today Got Indian Festival. Hahaha not meant to be racist in any way so no offence!
Relatives coming over for steamboat later in the afternoon.

Culinary Science tomorrow. Hope it will be loads of fun.

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