Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today was my "last" day of work at the airport. This episode of about three weeks has been an epic roller-coaster of emotions, putting us through the flurry of "kanchiong-ness" and the downside of fatigue. And we got a complaint today. Shall not dwell on it any longer. Most importantly, the people I met there were awesome! Given our closeness in age, okay maybe not very close for some(you know who you are hahaha), we were able to build friendships in this short period of time. Having to leave them for my education makes me feel kind of lost, like a wandering soul, given the fact that I had spent a great deal of my time with them laughing while working. So this hiatus from work will be missed, surely. The mealtime laughter, evil criticism of others and eventful bus journeys home will be sorely missed. Okay so school is going to start like in 4 days.The holidays passed us by like a breeze that we were all unaware that it had ended. Soon it will be time to get into new classes, make new friends and hopefully, forge new friendships. And most importantly, not forget those old ones. Our resolutions now will all be similar, all going along the line of :" I will study harder." " I will not play so much." "I will stop being so slack." And we all know one thing: We never stick to these self-promises. It just serves to make us feel better. So let's procrastinate no longer, and do ourselves proud for once, acing those papers like poetry in motion. And I just realized my class: 2H02. If you are in there too, please let me know.


  1. you have a blog and here talking about me right haha!

  2. Wow you found it! Hahaha paiseh my email never inform me of comments one. Hahaha yeah talking about you:p
