Monday, December 27, 2010

It was a mundane Christmas. But an unforgettable one at least. A stay-over was totally da bomb! But sadly, I am sick. Real sick. With a runny nose comparable to the Niagara Falls. What an exaggeration! I always fall sick during major festivities. Like last CNY. And of course, this Christmas. I lost the world for 17 hours and slept since 4pm last night till 9am this morning. And totally forgot about my project meeting. Speaking about projects, it's killing me. Well, of course,it's killing everyone. So no complaining from me there. Here I am cooped up in this place called the bedroom. Like a pig. Just that I am abstaining from food for the time being(except for Mcspicy double in the afternoon). School's reopening. And I am not the only one not looking forward to it, I'm sure.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sometimes when people ask me why I am so emo, I laugh it off and say nothing's wrong. Because even I myself have no idea what's wrong.It may be fatigue. It may just be a wave of sadness that happens for no reason. Call it PMS or whatever, there's no explanation for it. Mood swings, not that either. I ain't high one moment and angry the next. It's just an indescribable feeling that something's gonna happen but I just don't know what. However, an emo world is not that bad after all. It gives you the opportunity to shut that trap and listen for once, what others have to say. And I have to admit it gets interesting sometimes.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I feel that I am losing my principles.

My mantra in the past was to be punctual for any event, however unimportant it may be. But it seems like I have been frequently late nowadays. Is it because of the mindset that I know others will be late and therefore I become late on purpose too? It's wrong to blame things on others, but it seems that this is the reason why. I had a friend who was always late, no matter when we meet, or where we meet. Once, I even had to wait 3 hours at Great World City just for him to arrive, and he scolds me when I am just 15 minutes late on other occasions. It is this lack of responsibility in others that makes me harbor such angst in me. But the kind person I know I am, I keep things entirely to myself. And it has worked so far.

Nowadays, I become worked up very easily too. I have always had a great deal of patience in the past, but I get irritated easily now. I even burst out at my mum yesterday when she was just reminding me about something. I guess I just hate people nagging. Sorry about that mum. And dad too, when he's slow at apprehending things, my patience level just drops to negative and I have the urge to scold him. I know that's so wrong of me but I really can't help it.

Forgive my rashness and immaturity. I will try to be a better person from now on.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Current Mood: Worried :(
Current Song: I Hate You- 2PM

It's a Happy 18th Birthday to our dear Stephanie!!
And a 2-day belated 17th to dearest Gale!!

I ain't gonna switch to lj.
Cos it doesn't allow me to retain this blog url.
It says that the username is restricted :<
I shall publish today's posts in one-sentences.
I am slacking around at the moment.
Today shall be a productive day of studying.I hope.
MSTs on Monday, through to Tuesday.
So many papers we have, don't we?
A freaking ..................2 papers! so many?

One-sentencing ends here.So does this post.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Current song: Aing- Orange Caramel

Absolutely didn't realize that it is already December. Time passed real fast. Soon it will be the mid-semester tests, then end-semester tests, and we will have to split classes. After a year of bonding. Argh no mood to blog anymore, thinking of the piling schoolwork, projects and upcoming tests. Off to cut articles for microeconomics. Thanks classmates for your 4-month belated birthday present.