Sunday, December 12, 2010

I feel that I am losing my principles.

My mantra in the past was to be punctual for any event, however unimportant it may be. But it seems like I have been frequently late nowadays. Is it because of the mindset that I know others will be late and therefore I become late on purpose too? It's wrong to blame things on others, but it seems that this is the reason why. I had a friend who was always late, no matter when we meet, or where we meet. Once, I even had to wait 3 hours at Great World City just for him to arrive, and he scolds me when I am just 15 minutes late on other occasions. It is this lack of responsibility in others that makes me harbor such angst in me. But the kind person I know I am, I keep things entirely to myself. And it has worked so far.

Nowadays, I become worked up very easily too. I have always had a great deal of patience in the past, but I get irritated easily now. I even burst out at my mum yesterday when she was just reminding me about something. I guess I just hate people nagging. Sorry about that mum. And dad too, when he's slow at apprehending things, my patience level just drops to negative and I have the urge to scold him. I know that's so wrong of me but I really can't help it.

Forgive my rashness and immaturity. I will try to be a better person from now on.

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