Tuesday, January 3, 2012

If I made a post describing 2011, it would take an eternity to write and a lifetime to read. Therefore, due to my plain laziness, I shall simply do a brief one. 2011 was a year full of memories, and one of them in particular can make me cry, which I haven't done so in ages. Here goes:

Our very first 1H08 class chalet.

Australia Trip with 1H08 was one of the best things that has happened to me.
Family sending me off at the airport.
 Bros who came to send me off, even just for a one-week trip.

 One of the best things in life is to have ice cream in chilly weather.
With bros this close makes it perfect.

One of my first few solo pictures with a friend-turned-brother.
 One of my favourite "family" photos.
Oh how much I miss Australia:(

Daniel's birthday
 And who can forget tuna's awesome hair which passed grooming for ssm :O
Chong's unforgettable expression.

 Who can forget awesome F1 where I made so may new friends from the Freshman year.
Our last BESE session in full formal.

Celebrating Sherri and Mr Png's birthday on the same day.

Not to forget Ubin trip with 02 and again with the gang!
And now for pictures in random.
One of my favourite polaroids of all time.
 The balloon huiying and benjamin got me for my birthday.

 And that's it. 2011 was awesome. What will 2012 bring?

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