Saturday, December 3, 2011

I am back! After a hiatus of two weeks. Nowadays its just hectic, busy and stressed. No other words can describe what we are going through now. Tons of assignments and assessments await. And the fact that I am here happily typing away means that I'm not putting in enough effort in my academics.
This was one crazy week:

Early at school at 10am for Housekeeping Mentoring Programme briefing. Got allocated Grand Park City Hotel. Glad that at least I'm doing with mangteng and not some random stranger which I don't know. Went to Sugarloaf for lunch and to complete my culinary individual project in record 90mins. It's a retarded project which used up much of my precious time and money. Money to mount the project on an A3 board and buy a quiche from Starbucks, my second purchase from there in my life, the first being a chocolate chip cookie I got back in Taiwan. As you know, I don't drink coffee. Okay I'm digressing here. Mounted my board and then met daniel in school to head over to A&F for our fitting! It started raining heavily when we reached and we did the next best thing other than waiting for the rain to stop: run through it! The run was worthwhile as our fitting produced $474 worth of apparel and footwear absolutely written off. It may seem much but in actual fact, it's just 2 polo tees, one jeans and one pair of slippers. Then we went to weiling's house after that for an impromptu dinner/MAMA gathering with yiinshin and sheri, although the latter just finished culi and was absolutely exhausted. But still got energy to fangirl. To all of you, thank you for the wonderful night.

Culinary was fun! Really prefer this module compared to ssm. J Sim was feeling like Santa. "The size is just right, just missing a beard." quoted from him. Therefore, he just glanced through grooming and did not nitpick on my hair. Not say like my hair very long also right! But he keep asking me to cut slope although all of my hair can fit in the chef helmet. Hahaha helmet. Operations were definitely better and smoother than last week. Finished mise en place for next day and ended at 4.30pm, one of the latest:( Sous chef next week though. Went to bathe and met daniel at tampines, where we went all the way to plaza sing to meet zhiqi, chingyi, steph and jinlin to watch "Already Famous". Dinner right after, gongcha and then took bus 36 home.

Boring lectures week in week out. No surprise there. Went to celebrate pamela and sharina's birthday at Cafe Cartel at plaza sing. Had Texas Rodeo Ribs.Food was acceptable but service was atrocious. Walked around awhile before heading over to Charly T for a few glasses of wine. Trained home with pam and steph after.

Zoo day out. Rather fail because the back of house tour was interesting, but that's all. Roamed around awhile before shin and I had to leave for sentosa. Until it got cancelled due to the rain. Went home and crashed. Due back in school at 1030pm later.

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