Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ad so it has started. The period of long-procrastinated rest we had all been looking forward to. However, I doubt that our self-proclaimed "rest" is even true. Due to the threat of project submission deadlines just right after this rosy Christmas period, "rest" is totally out of the question. And with us slogging our guts out either working or on our projects, the scary truth is that we will never get that coveted breather. Enough on the hysterical theatrics.

Was involved in the Housekeeping Dept of GPCH from Monday to Friday. This experience was invaluable, giving me an in-depth insight of the operations regarding this particular segment of a hotel, with rooms covering at least 70% of a hotel's revenue, making it an undoubted integral factor for consideration. However, the lack of local manpower was obvious. This could be due to its perceived value of being a tedious, entry-level, yet low-paying job that people shun. However, it can also be said that Housekeeping is crucial, if not the most crucial part of the hotel. Without a reliable taskforce, the hotel may crumble in times of excessive check-ins. Even public's general perception of the hotel, exterior facade, linen, laundry and uniforms are under its governance. 

Today was my first day of work after ANF's official store opening on Thursday. However, given that today's a Saturday, the influx of people was not as great as I had expected it to be. The rain could be the reason. I was tasked to man Room 5 of the Men's level with another impact team member and a model. It was rather tiring yet nostalgic, because I never had the chance to serve in retail ever since Secondary 4.

Living one day at a time because I have no idea what the future holds.

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