Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today is the coveted day for all fathers out there, to show appreciation for all you have done, whether it involves putting food on the table, being the sole breadwinner, or to make ends meet. It is you who ensures the family stays together regardless of the situation, and as head of the family, keep the household together. Therefore, this is THE day when you shall be appreciated. Thank you dad!

Today's plan was simple. IKEA for salmon, meatballs and chicken wings. And what's next? You guessed it, hotdogs and ice cream. However, I could not take much food today due to my poor appetite ever since returning from Brisbane. It could be the climate, jet lag or something else.

So it was just mum, dad and me today.

Parents back to childhood...

Blur picture of tortoise dad

Ninja Turtle Dad
Brother and I bought him a super oversized black polo tee from Marks and Spencer, and a blueberry cheesecake from Cottage Pies. And we are gonna bring out the cake soon. So it's one last shoutout to all the dads out there. Cheers!

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