Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday was CCN Day. And I must say, it was a real class effort. I applaud everyone who gave their all to ensure the success of that event. The story-people, logistics, props, make-up, costume etc. The fact that we managed to raise $200 after canceling out the cost was no mean feat by itself. And I am sure we all had fun. The preparations especially, with us staying in school till 12MN to ensure the preparations were on track. Really, all is much appreciated. People even mentioned that the place was like my home, with me walking barefoot and sliding here and there. I can't help it cos the floor was real powdery. Mr Chew "summoned" pizza for us and I am sure we are grateful for that weren't we? Pictures are up on facebook so I shan't-photo spam. I am lazy lah, get it? I apologize for leaving halfway when clean-up was to be done. I know it may seem selfish for me to leave when there was work to do but I had to start up the fire for our super-rare class gathering cum barbeque so forgive me my friends. I met up with the gang at The Tanamera condo to prepare the things. It was real fun that day I can say. Although my legs were super tired from standing all day. The guys went over to haikal's birthday at DE but I didn't go cos I was too tired.

Saturday was Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore Race Entry Pack Collection(SCMSREPC) duty. Hahahaha quite a mouthful wasn't it? It was real cool! We have to take race pack, take bib, take shirt, give runner. But in the end was quite fun. We received a $20 NETS Flashpay card as "allowance", a small tub of ben&jerry's ice cream and a super oversized XXL ASICS t-shirt. Going for duty later also. Gotta start on my homework soon. Will try to update if I have the time :)

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