Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Farewell Lammy-san, the self-proclaimed travelling monkey!!
So sorry never go out much since you came back and in a flash,
you were gone like the wind. Have fun studying!!!
When you are returning again just inform us alright?
Now its back to the mundane poly life of projects and assignments again.
Whoever said poly was slack is a damn liar!!
Getting real sick of school now!!
2012 please come true.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Forced to lock this blog due to unforeseen circumstances of overexposure.
Be glad you get to read this crap.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

That dreaded component is back. Public speaking. It has never been my forte! Write? Can. Speak? Can. Present? Err...Damn it! Counting down to presentation time: Less than 10 hours left. And although I have finished my scripting, I am not gonna read straight from it! Cos thats not presenting, that's recitation. Oh no! And speaking the truth, my heart was already popping out when I had to speak up in class. Seriously speaking, I think i have stage fright. I am afraid of meeting a mass audience, especially unintentionally grabbing everyone's attention. This brings me to my next point. I do not give up my seat on buses and MRTs mainly due to two reasons. Firstly, I think my legs have more fatigue than those old people. Seriously. Secondly, I do not want everyone to suddenly focus their attention on me! Its like unintentional attention grabbing! OMG! Just giving up my seat on public transport has even become an issue. Hahaha. What a joke. Ciao. Off to mug.