Monday, February 20, 2017

It's only been the second month of 2017 but Sab has already made a visit to the clinic for suspected food poisoning, been to the A&E for a related case of stomach flu, and seen a Chinese physician twice for a recurring shoulder ache and most recently, a sprained ankle. It really breaks my heart seeing her subject to these bouts of sickness and injury, and how I wish to be able to share in her pain and suffering if I could in any way. I've never been a firm believer in chances because I believe that you make your own luck. But here I am wishing fervently that everything else will go smoothly in her favour this year from now on. Because nothing matters more to me than knowing that she's safe and sound.

On a happier note, Valentine's Day and our 28th monthsary went by in quick succession last week.

The old hardworking me would have prepared something for her for both separate occasions but I really got to admit that the sloth in me is starting to show its true colours lately. And it takes a certain degree of courage to carry the bouquet around on the train, amid the unforgiving stares of other commuters. That is why I housed the bouquet in a paper bag because I was too chicken (see what I did there?) to hold it in plain sight. To be honest I wasn't confident in its appearance actually, given that it's my first time making one. And I got to admit that it's really nerve-wrecking trying to skewer twenty nuggets onto the bouquet in record time because it was pretty intimidating to do that in a Mcdonald's restaurant, albeit it being Valentine's Day. But it was all worthwhile when I caught the sheer look of surprise and happiness in her eyes when I gifted it to her. And yes, we were both afraid of getting caught with food on the train so we covered the bouquet with a paper bag all the way home. Looks like the fear of being fined for bringing food aboard the train still trumps the outright show of affection and love that Valentine's Day is supposed to be about. But anyway, the nugget bouquet got to be in quite a number of selfies with Sab, and were still delicious even when cold, so I guess this year's Valentine's Day surprise could still be considered a success!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

I know I ought to apologize for abandoning this space for such a long time. But I've been suffering from a severe attack of 'writer's block' and never could find the appropriate time or occasion to update. But considering the fact that I am unemployed and have time to kill, I should at least get something out or this space will fade into oblivion in no time.

CNY this year was such a bore. Although the long weekend may have been a welcome hiatus from work for many, jobless me sees no difference compared to any other day. But at least it allowed for many long-procrastinated meet-ups to finally materialize. I don't know if I am meant to feel this way, but the thought of having such a long break and not having any events in my sights is starting to scare me. Occasionally, I fill myself with incessant worrying because I fear that I have assignments undone or appointments I failed to adhere to but a second later, it dawns on me that I have absolutely nothing on my calendar. The constant job applications and sending of resumes is starting to wear me down as well. I know the employment market is really bad right now and I shouldn't be so hard on myself, especially since this is my only chance of a well-deserved break before working life kicks in and I'm forced to slog the rest of my adult life away. The constant reminders of my dad and aunt asking me to find a job or at least a part-time job is wearing me thin as well. It isn't as if I ain't trying, but it's just really that difficult now okay. Do I seem like I am simply lazing around at home every single day? This is all so depressing, but I'll probably just listen to Sab and take it slow. No one knows me like she does anyway.

Sab started work last week and it really pains me to be apart from her for such long hours. Yes we are clingy like that. In the past months, we were probably apart only on Sundays. Even my aunts kept asking me where she was at family gatherings because they thought we were inseparable. I think out of her five work days last week, I met her after work for four days. Plus a full day Saturday as well. I know how hard it is for her this time to step out of her comfort zone and take on something so novel and challenging, but I'm sure she will definitely slay it.

And I'm finally starting on "The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto" after three months of it lying stagnant on my shelf. Sab keeps scolding me for procrastinating but admit it, the title doesn't seem very appealing does it? HAHAHAHAHA. Seems like I've lost my spark for reading so maybe I should start to find it again.

I'll be having my PES status reassessment in 10 days. It has been a struggle being confined to this E9L9 status for the past year. So maybe my career options can be widened if the MO has mercy on me and decides to reinstate me to at least a B or even an A.

Oh yes, and even though I've began to run on alternate days lately, my weight seems to be gradually heading towards the 80kg mark. My metabolism levels just doesn't seem the same anymore :( Face it, the people calling me fat were right all along.