Friday, February 5, 2016

*Walking around Pet Safari at Simei*

Seeing my parents in a good mood, I decided to try my luck and asked them whether I could adopt a dog from SPCA and my mother (of all people, considering how strict she is towards pets) actually said: "Go choose lor." Imagine 10,000 light bulbs beaming at full potential. That was exactly how bright my mood was. My dad even asked when I wanted to go down and choose. I thought my prayers and hopes were finally going to be answered. Was I finally (after more than a decade of wanting a pet dog) going to have a canine best friend at long last?

Imagine the weight of disappointment slamming me right smack in the face when they said 30 minutes later: "Huh you seriously still thinking about it ah? Aiya ah kia, our household expenses already so high, cannot afford to feed, maintain, take care of dog la. Cannot even take care of yourself, want to take care of dog?". And they went on to counsel me on how impractical it was for us to have to take care of a dog.

Scumbag parents bursting my bubbles since 1992. 

But I don't blame them. I cannot expect them to take care of it when it was my choice to adopt in the first place. So nah, I shall KIV this thought till next time.