Sunday, April 6, 2014

Here I am on a Sunday revelling in semi-freedom and indulging myself in chocolate and cookies. In three days' time, it would be the one year anniversary of our departure to the land of kimchi last year. How I have missed that carefree life of travelling with my cherished friends, exploring foreign lands and gorging myself on delectable foods of paradise. Although my freedom has been compromised in my cause of serving my nation, I will be leaving for Taiwan in exactly 23 days for Exercise Starlight. And after that, another 105 days later, my tenure in Officer Cadet School will conclude. That's the time when the identity under "protection" will end, and responsibility will be at its peak. 

My weekends have been more than typical. Friday nights will probably be spent with "The Antagonists", "Misfits" or "la parola piu bella" as it is known now. Forgive the weird namesakes as these are the Whatsapp group title for them. Saturdays are likely to be spent with "Free MILFS" (pardon the crude name). Caught Captain America: The Winter Soldier twice in two weeks and had Astons for three weekends running. Cannot maintain the fanboy-ism whenever I see that character in books or movies. And just as I'm typing this, the advert for the movie just came up on the telly, I kid you not. Met up with the favourites yesterday, and totally looking forward to River Safari on 19th April now. 

Okay pardon me now while I delude myself and mope about booking in in five hours.