Saturday, February 15, 2014

Now Playing: Let Her Go - Passenger

"Well you see her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
'Cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep"

That ought to be the last straw. One stab, two stab and another stab. When will I ever learn? Why make things so complicated? It's plain for all to see but being the plain fool, I just deceived myself time and time again and allowed it to manifest. I will never ever get it into my thick skull that it was never going to happen. Starting from now, I want to be free. I don't want to be bogged down by this anymore. Faith will get me nowhere. Being loyal to one is plain stupidity when my one is never even mine in the first place. The stupid things I do, the stupid scenarios I imagine, and the stupid person I have become. Forgive me but everything simply reminds me of you and it is too painful for me to undertake anymore. I shall not text you on occasions such as Christmas, Valentine's Day or even your birthday any longer. I will not be so constantly concerned about your happiness anymore. I will not check on you and advise you to take care of yourself anymore. I will not tell you to take care of your gastric anymore. I will not worry about your motion sickness any longer. I will no longer remember your favourite salmon from Pepper Lunch. I will not remember your favourite Caribbean Way and Banana N Berry at Smoothie King. I will no longer remember the brand of your favourite Strawberry Yoghurt. I will not remember the places we could go for your sweet tooth. I will not picture Australia 2011 as the defining memory. I will not smile anymore whenever I receive your text message. I will not put thought into my messages to you anymore thus I hope I won't receive any messages from you from now on so that I can forget. I will not overthink your actions anymore. I will not read your every tweet anymore. I will not go to your profile on all social platforms anymore. I will not put your picture as my wallpaper anymore. I will stop regarding you as "perfect". I will forget how angelic you are. Piano and ballet are no more traits of that image. This is not the first time, but I am that stupid foolish person who never learns. I will forget. I must forget. I will start all over again. I know I will never remember someone so well and so deep anymore. But still, thank you for inflicting all these pain on me so that I realise how dumb, useless and stupid I had been all these while. Farewell, for the love that never was.