Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need some food~.

Woke up at 7am and wondered why the sky was still so dark. Fell back to sleep only to wake up at noon. Saw my brother in the room and I asked him what time it was. He said :" Now already 12pm." I couldn't believe it and just answered :"You siao ah? Where got so late?" Aaaaaaaand the next thing I know, I woke up at 1230pm. Must be the bizshield I played yesterday after laying off soccer for more than half a year. No idea why I can play basketball for hours but fall down like a dead battery after playing soccer for 10mins. Browsed 9gag in the school library to waste 2 hours before the start of my interview. And the dreaded interview turned out to be so simple. Mr P started out by asking why do I always perspire so much, what am I planning to do after graduation, blah blah blah. The actual interview lasted 5mins consisting of approximately 5 questions. I think these are sympathy marks given to let us pass, so as not to see our faces again next year.

Reached home and started fiddling with gadgets because my brother got a new phone, so he passed his former phone to my dad. And my dad couldn't stop playing with his newfound favourite app- whatsapp so he kept sending us random hokkien verses like "ho boho?" and other random words that I couldn't comprehend. And the text window kept appearing at the bottom of my screen when I was watching Running Man. I found that a tad annoying so I sent him a picture of a koala to pacify him. My dad loves koalas.

Stayed over at zhiqi's house on Saturday to make it more convenient to go to jocelyn's birthday venue. Ordered pizza and I think I gobbled 8 slices throughout the night. Sorry guys, I am really hungry. And that's just the commencement of my eating escapade. Her house is simply an absolute haven of CNY goodies and you could guess what happened next. Pineapple tarts, chilli prawn rolls, cashew nuts etc. started disappearing from the table and reappearing in my stomach. And it was all fun and games until the greatest incident of the night happened. Mich accidentally locked zhiqi's room door when her keys were inside. Suddenly we were all Engineering students and step-master thiefs. Pins, hammers, spanners and pliers were all used in an attempt to open the door. Weichong even went on youtube to learn how to pick a lock. However, it was all in vain as we resorted to removing the doorknob. Imagine all the loud hitting sounds generated at 3am in the morning. It still makes me wonder why none of the neighbours complained that night. Zhiqi should just scare them and say no one was home that night. Played the ukelele and monopoly deal until we were all drained and one by one we drifted into dreamland at 6am. Woke up at 12 noon and as usual, I started eating again. Went to change and stoned on the sofa. I also learnt that my hair is always only in two states. It's either an unattended garden or a strawberry. Went over to jocelyn's birthday venue at Serangoon Country Club, ate again, two full plates this time, and lots of dessert. The night's events were pretty cool, with a magic show and serenading, among others. Requested for balloon swords and we all started becoming kids again.

Back to current time and day. Really want to pass napfa but lost the will to practise running. Still lazing in bed as a result.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Shower of Tears - Baechigi ft. Jiwon (SPICA)

Awesome beat to the tune. Love the dreamy image of Jiwon as well.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

In the end, I gave up. Not one to, but yes I did. Maybe it's stupid, maybe it's for the better. I didn't put in any effort, not because I didn't, but because I can't. It's time to turn the page and not live in self-delusion any longer. Yes I'm blabbering nonsense.

Insane days ahead. How unfair can it be to celebrate CNY, train for napfa and complete the research paper simultaneously? But I'm not complaining because almost everyone is in the same predicament. Going for a run tomorrow morning in school, hopefully I can clock under 12 minutes for my 2.4km run, since the last time I ran during secondary 4.

Work hard everyone, our freedom is near!