Friday, June 29, 2012

When You Really Need A Good Laugh

Jongkook's flying kick.

And last but not least:

The soundtrack of the season.

Laugh: Check.
Work undone. Check.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

This shall be a short post since I am starving. Not the first time I'm sure. Okay my updates are long overdue, and this being the last day of vacation before we transition into the "hell"(sorry there's no better word) period, I shall commemorate it with a post! Take that, you stalkers! Hmm where shall I begin? Okay got myself a new laptop. Massive big ticket item. Burnt a big hole in my savings. But it's alright since it's practical. Shall not elaborate on the specifications as it will bore everyone to sleep. But I'm banking my trust on Asus, please do not fail me. 

This vacation was crazy. Met up almost everyday in school, emphasise on "EVERYDAY". Seriously no joke. According to our minutes of meeting, we met for a grand total of 20 times! Which means it's like everyday for a month not including weekends. But I'm glad it's over. Tried to submit just now but couldn't find a way to the TCA office. Abandoned the "ninja-parkour" thought since there were cameras around. Later make it to STOMP then someone will get free $50 voucher. 

So I worked last Friday. I think it's time to jump ship. Although some managers are really nice, the management really cannot make it. Understaffed, yet not giving people shifts, yet still hiring. #yousiao

Yesterday was extended family barbeque. As you can infer from the photograph below, I am yet again cooking. Hello charcoal face. Since the barbeque pits at Pasir Ris Park were fully-booked, we attempted BYOP (Bring-Your-Own-Pit). 

And yet again after staying at the fire for so long, I didn't have much appetite as usual. It's the same routine, cook, drink water, stone. Repeat cycle. It really irks me when people are so unhelpful towards their own family members. My cousin's new boyfriend especially. He looked around my age and had tattoos all over his body. But that didn't help take away the "gay" tag labelled on him by my three aunts. Haha yes I just sat there listening to all the gossip. Because he did not even lift a finger to help and simply sat there on the mat. Even when they called him over, he declined. Even my cousin helped, with her thick makeup and fake eyelashes and all. I was afraid they would melt under the heat. 

Really cannot take it anymore. Have to get food. Will update again when a miracle happens.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Have been thinking too much recently. What an irony, considering that I am always the one telling others not to read too much into things or let their mind wander. But considering that I will soon be spending approximately 5 months in foreign land for OSIP, I guess I am entitled to. Provided I secure the placement as well. Sourcing for laptops online, reading customer reviews and comments because the "G" and "H" keys on my keyboard are faulty. Took me ages to get this post out. But strangely enough, it is behaving itself now. Maybe it knows that if it doesn't, a new one will take its place. But this beloved companion has already stayed with me for 2 years 4 months and counting. Don't worry brother, I will continue to support you till your last breath.

Plans for basketball today were cancelled at the last minute when I was already at the bus stop! #rage Cannot stand people who are constantly late, or cancel plans at the last minute(Not your fault today wes). The meeting time for yesterday was 5pm but the first person that reached after me came at 5.20pm. I know it's just 20mins, but what about the rest? If I make the effort to be early and you don't, does it mean that your time is more precious than mine? And to cater to the persistent latecomers, I have even violated my own principles of punctuality and arrived late on purpose on certain incidents. I know people may say patience is a virtue, but definitely, respect and consideration weighs more in this sense. (Sidenote: My blackberry just lit up all by itself. Scary.)