Sunday, August 15, 2010

Time passed so fast but I didn't realise. School is already 4 months long gone. This feeling is indescribable. I have been getting weird dreams all this time. Dreams of sitting for a paper unprepared. Dreams of being suspended in between two worlds. No sense of belonging whatsoever. Life can be such a facade sometimes, full of emotions sometimes, but being dead silent at the same time. At this moment when I am supposed to be preparing for my 5 papers, I am stoning away. Sometimes I just ponder if the world would really end in 2012? Part of me hopes it will, but that's being so damn selfish and unthinkable. If the world really ends, what will be the feeling in the minds of people like me? Thoughts of regret and overflowing emotions I suppose. Cause we would have wasted almost all our lives away, forced into education, without the opportunity to utilize it. What does this mean? A lifetime of education, as in literally. But zero future. No chance of repaying our parents. No chance of carving out a career. Absolutely zero. Emotional thoughts? Not at all. Just deep thinking in progress. Why is this blog even locked in the first place? I can't remember. Is anyone even reading this? If you are, thank you so much. Cos you could be the only one. Missing links here and there. Memories of the past have rocked my mentality. I have no idea what I am actually writing. Someone said I have always done things on impulse. I can't help it but agree. At the same time, I can't change. Counting down to the supposed world destruction.