Monday, June 28, 2010

Group projects. Emphasize on the word "group". I HATE YOU FREELOADERS AND FUCKING SLACKERS!!! One member only turned up once throughout the entire project. And just yesterday, before the deadline today, she has the fucking mood to go have fun at USS!!! And just 1 hour before we submitted just now, she went MIA. Again! What the fuck are you thinking? Don't you have a fucking sense of responsibility? Other members may not have the heart to mark you down for peer evaluation. But trust me, I definitely have a cold heart of steel. A freeloader in one project is already too much to take. What about two others in another group project of 4 members? The stage deadline is this week. One member skipped the meeting due to CCA training. Can't you fucking think? So CCA is more important to you because you can just rely on us to finish up the work while you happily put your name on the report. How smart! So those dumb people like me will just quietly do the work and let you take the credit? No way! And another member has the cheek to tell me he has something urgent on and has to leave at 5pm. For your info, I stayed in the library till 9pm. And I really thought he had something on. Until I saw him sitting outside the library chatting with his friends. When we messaged him, he just ignored the message till 9pm, which is also the time the library closed. And his lame excuse? "Oh sorry, I didn't check my phone. Yeah?" I am speechless. No fucking sense of responsibility whatsoever. Be warned.
Why do i suddenly feel this urge to start blogging again? Because facebook, as we all know, is a social networking site. And that, I feel, is too public a thing. Therefore, upon telling everyone out there that I had closed down this blog, I "stealthily" start anew. Firstly, I feel that life is seriously unfair. I am sorry to start this new chapter in such a negative state but there is no point ranting if you are happy with your life, isn't it? What is friendship? Don't come bull-shitting to me that is is a relationship that can last friends forever...blah blah blah...boringgg.... to me, friendship is only true when nothing matters in your mind anymore. And for this, I do not mean going crazy, or committing suicide. What I really mean is that for those people out there who can claim to be your friends, and say that they have been done an injustice just because of minor events. I think they are really fucked up in their mind. Like you said, a game IS A GAME. What's fucking wrong with a little taunting here and there? That's what friends are for, isn't it. Teasing and laughing goes a long way in improving a relationship, if you take it the right way. If you end up misinterpreting my intentions, and get heated up over such things, I am sorry but I just have to say FUCK YOU!!! Ranting on your blog and silently praying that we will get to read the crap that you write? You are being such a loser. So what if your blog has more hits than mine? I DON"T CARE even if no one reads what I write. They may be crap to you, but if you get the underlying message, you must be a genius. So ranting is okay, is it? You cause people to all believe your innocence and make us out to be the baddies? Boo Hoo Hoo!! You just got fucked up by baddies? Cry to your mama, if that's what you want. That's how the Earth revolves you fucking loser. And don't expect sympathy from me, cause you don't fucking deserve it. Us getting out of your life is what you want. And fucking get out of it I will be glad to. No questions asked. Period.